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Shen Meets ACWF's Executive Committee Members, Specially Invited Delegates from Hong Kong, Macao

Posting time:2024-06-03 18:09:41

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Shen Meets ACWF's Executive Committee Members, Specially Invited Delegates from Hong Kong, Macao

ByYe Shan July 27, 2021
Shen Meets ACWF's Executive Committee Members, Specially Invited Delegates from Hong Kong, Macao
Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), meets a delegation composed of ACWF's executive committee members and specially invited delegates from the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao in the Great Hall of the People. [For Women of China]


At the invitation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), a 26-member delegation visited Beijing on July 23, 2021. The delegation was composed of ACWF's executive committee members and specially invited delegates from the special administrative regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and Macao. Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and President of the ACWF, met and communicated with the delegation in the Great Hall of the People. Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, presided over the event.

Shen told the delegation that Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), had delivered an important speech during a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC (held on July 1). Xi's speech, which connected history with the current situation and the future of China, was a political declaration that enhanced people's strength, confidence and will power, Shen added.

Xi said in the July 1 speech, "We will stay true to the letter and spirit of the principle of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy." Xi also said, "While protecting China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, we will ensure social stability in Hong Kong and Macao, and maintain lasting prosperity and stability in the two special administrative regions."

Shen told the delegation those words reflected the importance the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi at its core, has attached to the work of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs and the cordial care shown to people in the SARs. Xi's words, she added, were significant for promoting the stable and lasting implementation of the principle of "One Country, Two Systems" and for the maintenance of Hong Kong and Macao's prosperity and stability.

Shen acknowledged the contributions women have made in advancing Hong Kong and Macao's prosperity and stability; in particular, she noted women's positive roles in supporting firmly the enacting of a national security law in Hong Kong, implementing the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong" and supporting the NPC's decision to improve the electoral system of Hong Kong.

Shen Meets ACWF's Executive Committee Members, Specially Invited Delegates from Hong Kong, Macao
Shen Yueyue delivers a speech. [For Women of China]


Shen hoped ACWF's executive committee members and specially invited delegates will study and implement the essence of General Secretary Xi's July 1 speech, and that they will unite and lead women in Hong Kong and Macao in safeguarding the SARs' governance rules confirmed by the Constitution and the Basic Law. She also encouraged them to serve women at the primary level, stay close to women and youth from ordinary families and give a full play to improving family education.

Shen stressed the importance of guiding juveniles, leading youth to fulfill the great mission of national rejuvenation and inspiring young people with the core value of loving their home country and loving their regions. Shen urged women in Hong Kong and Macao to seize opportunities to participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, to integrate into the overall development of their country, and to be builders of the great cause, advocates of civilized social conduct and brave strivers who pursue their dreams.

Women in Hong Kong and Macao ought to make new contributions to support the SARs' development and prosperity in accordance with the overall development of their motherland, and to fulfill the great national rejuvenation of Chinese nation, Shen said.

Shen Meets ACWF's Executive Committee Members, Specially Invited Delegates from Hong Kong, Macao
Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, presides over the event. [For Women of China]


Huang said sisters in Hong Kong and Macao need to study and carry out carefully the essence of General Secretary Xi's important speech delivered on July 1, and they ought to unite and lead women in the SARs to advance the stable implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle over the long term. The women should help enhance prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao, advance the economic and social progress of their motherland, and make greater contributions to fulfilling the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Six members of the delegation — Ho Teng Iat, Wendy Man, Huang Lizhen, Tu Yaya, Melinda Chan Mei Yi and Xiao Yanzhen —spoke during the meeting. As ACWF's executive committee members or specially invited delegates, they said they were proud of the magnificent achievements of the CPC during the past 100 years. They also said they had gained a deeper understanding of the fact that without the CPC, there could never be a New China and there could never be the successful practice of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle. They vowed to support the principle firmly and to protect China's sovereignty, security and development interests. They also said they will unite women from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao to promote the progress of their country and nation.

Xia Jie, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, attended the meeting. Following the event, the delegates toured the Museum of the Communist Party of China (in Beijing) and visited Chengdu, in Southwest China's Sichuan Province.


(Women of China)


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